Sunday, August 16, 2020

My life as a sacrifice

 It's easy in my life to hold things that are dear to me to my chest. To tell the Lord "No I will cling to these things and you shall not have them......" Yet isn't God greater than the gifts that He has given us. Is his mercy, his faithfulness, his glory worth keeping temporal things?

I will be honest and say that this morning I was rejoicing in the Lord.  So filled with joy that He met me. Then this afternoon I came face to face with something that I was advised by a sister in the Lord about 7 weeks ago. What will come of these two weeks I do not know. But this month and 7 days has reiterated that God is sovereign over our lives and no matter how much we count others to be there. They are finite, even them being there is not counted upon. I am awash in feelings. I hate being emotional. Hey I can be happy all day long but when it come to what has been going on this year has been a torrent of change, mourning, and wanting to change the trajectory of my life. Yet I have to keep the gifts I have been given with open hands because in the end all I have belongs to God.

God I will submit to whatever you demand of me. In hard times I will bless your name hoping that though weeping may last through the night joy comes with the morning.

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