Saturday, October 27, 2012

Work and home-Two areas that need God to work

I work at a clinic and work closely with five people and have come to know many more. I work in an urban area so the attitudes of the people around range from kind, funny, polite, to unhappy, nervous, disgruntled, and aggravated. These are the people I am supposed to assist, at times this goes well, at times almost a confrontation. God knows that He at times brings me people that I might cry out to God at work. I range in attitude as well from friendly, kind, to abrupt, and stiff. With my coworkers I share my joys, and anxiety, and dismay. They seen me at my best but more often than not my worse. My actions among them I know they have compromised my testimony. I still at times get mocked because of it. I want to get better for God to shine a light more and more in this area of my life. That I may not be sucked in to complaining, or being rude, or intrusive, that I may be a light. I am a pilgrim in this world I want God to provide. My God is a God who had been at work from before time began, is still working, and will be working throughout eternity.
At home is another area. I am a mess. Paper and letters throughout the floor, yarn and bags where I had started to clean but had not finished. Books I had wanted to read but have not even started. That is where I am. I live with a roommate she is a kind sweet girl. The one area that is okay is the kitchen my mom has taught me to clean up, to wash my hands. To wash a pan or pot before and after each use. Ai, mami. I don't pour into my roommate's life as I should. She also knows a lot about me and we get along. I guess I want to be able to reflect who God is in my life. I pray He does this. I can't do it.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What I wait for? A moment examining my heart

I guess when God saved me and made me a Christian I was under the misapprehension that now instead of dressing immodestly to gain what I had wanted, that God would do it. Bad thought. So I worked and tried and sought just to gain what I wanted. I have reached the end of it. The end of myself. I have been reaching more deeply ingrained sins. God has been showing me time and time again that I have to submit. He has been showing me that I must seek His face. It is then that He is glorified when He is seen as more valuable than my desires. When my desires are conformed to God's will then I will be fine.

You being God and me being me

As I sit here at work, no crochet needles to distract me
My thoughts are focused on what Your word says about You
and what my self-examination says about me
You are pure holy set apart, all good, just in all your ways and all your works
Without You I am a rebel, wicked to the core, my thoughts and actions corrupted by this flesh
From everlasting to everlasting You are God
Lord of my life though I try, try to gain control
You says in James about not gaining because not asking
my motives screaming and battling against Your will
You will be done on earth, You who are Lord you do it
may I submit
Yet God, rich in mercy, the God who continues to provide for me
He wants my good and seeks to change me
You are God and I am your slave do with me as You will, refine me by fire, make me humble
Though thoughts and evil asail me lift me up, let me remain in the shadow of Your wings
I see more sin, and God is drawing me away from sin. I have done much to make anyone else depart  but God is not like man that He should waver.
God is good.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Wedding, actions, and other things

This is going to be more of an observation of everything.
The place looked beautiful. Maybe I should think about it but I lik where I am at. I am semi independant ant like having a roommate. God knows I am uncomfortable with change.
RING, RING!! RING, RING! Six o'clock in the morning came sooner than I thought. I figured I will go to sleep and if I get up in time without an alarm I would go to the wedding. I agreed to go. No one would have missed that I was not there. I woke up at 7:42 am had to be there by 10:03 am. So I went. On the way I started a hat, crocheting as if manic. It, the wedding, glorified God, that is all I hope of a wedding. But when I was there some things came to my mind. When I am uncomfortable get away from me, when I am comfortable I act differently. God knows the way I acted was wrong, I did not stick around.
I ducked out after noon I heard it went on after 3:00 pm. I finished the hat, did laundry, got my nephew, went to worship, then went to the University to watch the movie TED. It was bad, period. We walked out of the theater, went bowling. My nephew knocked down 44 pins without bumpers on.
God was there. He showed up. I was reading who he was and was amazed. The little kids were great. I play with them and change them, and rock them. God knows what He has called me for. I have been keeping my hands and mind busy that I won't stumble only by Him guarding my steps.
Read in John 4 how Christ showed Himself to the Samaritan woman. Long day want to finish calls God help me to honor and glorify Him.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

True Love

The land was lush and green
Hills undulating in the distance 
On the top of one of those mounds
She stood

There she
wearing a dress the color of periwinkle flowers
The wind causing the grass to wave back and forth
Stood looking to and fro
Looking for Ishi

Ishi, he had to be near
Her protector 
Her friend 
Her love

Who was like this man?
There leading a flock to water
His staff in his hands 
His strength unmistakable

My love my dove my undefiled one her husband savors the thought
In his head resonating in his heart
She is mine

He is the only one like Him
humble yet great
Loving and yet a fierce warrior
A leader sure in strength

She runs to him, her bare feet unwavering
Tirelessly closing the distance between them
100 feet, 90, cannot see his features
80, 70 feet 60 His feet flying over the terrain
50, 40, 30 feet Her smile and laughter contageous
Joy blooming leaping bounding over the hill
20, 10 and there he was

She threw herself into His arms
Safe she was safe
He was there
Stroking her hair, embracing her.

"Ishi, Beloved, I belong to you and no one else."

Why do You do what You do?

Ok as I am sitting here at work pondering this weekend. Knowing that God worked everything out for my good. I realize God does as He pleases, the His ways are higher than our ways. I am grateful yet was it not just as bad if I had completed the cycle. I have been thinking much about what my sister Engadi said about people falling away. God can keep them, God can pick them up again if they fall. He can by His power keep them from sinning. God is no respecter of persons. Falling into temptation does not profit. Sin lies and says this will satisfy you, this will make you feel good. It does not it grieves God and hardens the believer. There is shame in sin. Something happened and I was wrong. Yet I will confess the wrong. He knows, he saw. God I do not want to be that person that once they have fallen away need Christ to be re-sacrificed. The Father made Him who knew no sin to be sin that we might become the righteousness of God.
Now where do I go from here? What am I supposed to do now?
I guess I will trust in the Lord to act. Have faith and to flee from the temptations without and from them within. May God do it and receive glory due to Him. Christ, help me.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Your Care

I did not do anything. I was not the most holy or the most beautiful. I was just Levita, a girl named after a the tribe of priests the Levites. I have come to realize that nothing in this world can fill this gnawing hunger. I went to food, to what is earthly and it just wearied me, it wearies me still. Today God gave me Psalm 43, I do not remember reading it yet God without me looking for it placed that before my eyes today.

Send out your light and your truth;
let them lead me;
let them bring me to your holy hill
and to your dwelling!
Then I will go to the altar of God
to God my exceeding joy,
and I will praise you with the lyre,
O God, my God.

Why are you cast down, O my soul,
and why are you in turmoil within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
my salvation and my God.

My soul is cast down right now I want to take joy in the God of my salvation. I will draw near to enter His courts. This year has been the hardest. I am dark, beaten by the sun. I have no beauty, no riches. I have not done anything of honor yet I cry out for help and he hears. God knows I am dust yet with my eyes I shall behold Him, whether before I die or afterwards. I prayed that God would cease my life if I should not spend eternity with Him. Obey His commandment and I shall be with Him and the Father dwelling there. I will hope in God.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Worthy of Praise

Do you see Him?
The Lord majestic
The Lord victorious
On His head diadems
In His hands scars that last all eternity

Do you know Him?
Sat nearby as he broke the bread
Poured out the true drink
Come eat and drink the food the does not perish
Taste and see that the Lord is good

Who is this?
Who pardons sins
Who makes blind men to see
Who uses the bruised reed
Who make these dead bones live

Be lifted up O gates
Behold the King of Kings
Humble yet Almighty
He is who ransomed a people for Himself
By His Blood