Monday, August 17, 2020

Day 1

I woke up at 5 today very tired but I figured God wanted me to wake up and spend some time with Him. I am trying to learn what does it mean to truly surrender even if it means not having the outcome I want. I know what I would like to happen but the part of me that knows God's word know that I have to be open to go wherever he leads me. My life has changed so much since He opened my eyes to His power and His glory, and yet His irresistible grace tells me intellectually that He loves me. That He is always there to answer when I call on Him. Its just hard to believe in the midst of feeling like He always takes away. I know I know I am not supposed to say never and always especially when it is not true. He has given me new friends and so much grace. 
I am so used to saying good morning, thinking about you, praying for you, love you..... Ugh I am so mushy...... Anyway my prayer is that you are safe, that God pour His love on us and show up in amazing ways, that His word will fill us and comfort us, that God will turn our eyes to Him. That we listen to what He has for us. That we grow in our faith and not become complacent in seeking Him above all else.
In the end no matter what happens all I have is Christ. I have to be content with Him no in whatever state I am in, married or single, surrounded by people or all alone. 

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