Saturday, September 13, 2008

Following the Narrow Way

One cannot be separated from the world yet still love the things of this world. Would God want me to watch on TV characters that blaspheme his name, that though it may be "fiction" break many of his commandments on screen. 

Yet I think laws are meant to make a person see their lack in the eyes of God. The law cannot save us but when God saves a person they want to submit to him live by his word. It may be different for each person. For me it is going out and proclaiming the Gospel, living not by this world but how God says. 

Sometimes I feel like an outcast in my own family though. I watch preaching and a half own commentary each day. I go on myspace. I used to even preach online in Yahoo! Chat. 

What I am having a hard time with is with the question, what makes a real Christian? They have to grow. They have to love the word of God. They have to be more sanctified today than they were yesterday. They cannot seek after God for solely what He can give. God is not a genie.

I want His Glory to be first and foremost on my mind but it is not. What was this morning on my mind was a nightmare I had yesterday. Today I am going to church, next week I have the membership classes. It will be cutting off the final tie I have with the previous church I had attended.

It had gotten to the point where I was Martha in that church serving and serving and not looking to kneeling at the feet of Jesus. Faith without works is dead but we are saved by grace through faith not by works or people would try to boast.

I really need discipleship but I don't know who can help me.

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