Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 4 & Day 5 Wedding!

There is so much to say. We just got to the Best Western in Guatemala City 7 hours after we started our trek after the wedding. Friday we traveled out from Flores the small island that we were staying at to Chisec. It took a long time and when I got there I wanted to change money. Nick decided to get a haircut before the wedding. I got lost and missed the civil ceremony supposedly they have those before a church wedding. I walked around most of Chisec and took two tuktuks to find them. I was able to meet Norma's family and was able to talk to them. Yolanda, her mom, is a dear woman who loves the Lord and shared how she and her husband met. She misses him but says God has set this to happen. Norma's brother Nixon came along later and shared how God changed his attitude of anger. How he constantly asked for prayer seeking deliverance from this sin from God. He is such a quiet calm man he and wife have two kids and are expecting a third. So after we ate together we set off to the wedding site including Norma's sister Lilia. Please pray for Lilia that God may provide for her, have her serve her mother and that her children would grow in the admonition of the Lord. By the time we got there I was really really tired and though I still served it was grudgingly. I was asked if I was all right yet I did not admit it. I was broken and getting so tired that I despaired to the point of wanting the rushing river to sweep me away. By the grace of God when the next day the Wedding day rolled around I was filled with such a sense of leave and love I repented of my attitude.
Now for the wedding. It's the rainy season and I was told by Norma they were supposed to create a platform jutting out from the shore by the waterfall where they were to be married. Nick was in the bungalow. Norma, her sister, and I were across the waters. So much was going on its hard to remember it all. The wedding was supposed to start at 10 but did not begin til later. By six o'clock that was when young men began building the platform. It was beautiful. I was able to take in God loving hands in the preparations. I wish y'all were with me.
It pointed to Christ and His bride there was much prayer and love poured into this. The man who officiated, Norma's eldest brother. He did make a joke in the beginning but the most profound thing that struck me is that God has united two nations, two families into one just like man and wife become one flesh. We are one in Christ. We worshiped the Lord in English and Spanish it was a blessing. I will tell you more when I saw y'all face to face. It point to Christ to Him be the glory.


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