Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 3: To serve

Dear Tina,

It was a day that began with praise to God even through tears just realising how good God is. I read some of John where He was consumed with zeal for His house. He is worthy. Today I have so much to share that it may take me more time than I want. This morning and afternoon I was able to serve. The plans for today going to the beach and going to a bible study.

By the way there is a praise. You know I struggle with overeating. It is something that has been on my mind much and I want God to deal with it. In the US there is constantly lunches and snacks and wonderful ladies who work with me who love on me by providing me food if they feel I am going hungry. God has been telling me eat this and no more. I have not eaten more than what is necessary.

So I woke up to the word. To dance before the Lord. I read a little bit in John the first miracle of Jesus it still strikes me that the first miracle of Christ has to do with the Jewish rights of purification. He created the wine from water bringing to mind two things, Jesus the living water in whom we shall never thirst, second His blood the true drink which cleanses our unrighteousness. I read more here and three a bit of Romans 8 There is threfore now no condemnation in Christ Jesus.

I was able to serve Nick´s parents and stepfather by being able to order breakfast for them. Then serve Dia by bringing breakfast and going to the store for her and grabbing disinfectant soap, yogurt, and a pair of sunglasses.

There was much submission to what Dia wanted to do and God cause me to submit but I have to learn to rejoice in it I pray to God admitting my sin and hope He will give me joy.

For some reason God has given me this friendliness or just love in wanting to hear and speak to others.

We walked much and this was an oppurtunity to serve Christ in counting Dia higher than myself by not going ahead with the other but remaining with her helping her. We took a boat in the early afternoon around the small island we are staying at and a nearby peninsula jutting out into a lake. A large purified fresh water lake. there was an opportunity to share the Gospel with the driver of the boat Jose. He is a husband to a Christian and does believe in God but is Catholic. This is really common in hispanic culture that God would save the wife and has her serve her husband joyfull. He dearly loves his wife Carina for this and his son Anthony. I was able to share about sin, about the righteousness of God, about his Son Jesus fully God that He might live by the law we have broken, fully human that he might be our mediator. I was filled with so much joy. I asked him if he had a bible he said no. Dia had given me a paperback one for the trip and I had it in my backpack. I told him a dear friend gave me this and I am giving it to you it is God´s word by the Holy Spirit that saves. He wanted to pay me for the bible Tina!!! I told him your soul is precious to be I will give it to you if you promise to read it. He promised me he would.

We went to the beach and I was able to talk to two ladies and serve them. Nick told them his story and they rejoiced. Please pray for Tere she is divorced with three sons and her cousin Elena Maria who was with her. They were there in Flores on vacation from Guatemala city.

On our way back was another opportunity I want to share with you so much that has happened but I know that I will miss some details. We climbed a path the took us to a lookout tree the way was steep and treacherous. By God grace He granted Dia the energy and strength needed to make the 45 minute trek to find another boat.

Now we got ready as fast as we could for church. This was the plan to take a little motorcycle type vehile with room for two in the back called a tuktuk for shorter distances it is 5 quetzales per per up to 15 quetzales for longer distances.We decided that if anyone wanted to stay to recover we could if not then we would take the tuktuk to a bus depo which was virtually a van. Thus we went to where Nick lives. He has been working as much as he could making repairs here and there to ready the place for he and his bride what a picture is it not. Anyway I digress because I was able to talk to a lady Adriana about living the Christian life. She goes to a small nazarene church but has not been getting into the word much on her own. The lady behind he with a baby was fascinated. I realized this and introduced myself. I forget her name but God knows it and finds her precious. I pray that she might go look at the word on her own. Her mom is one of the ladies who is deep into the word she has 7 siblings all girls I think and is married with 2 children.

So we saw Nick´s place but Dia was too weary to take the ten minute trek to the church Nick attends with the missionary Jimmy and his wife Shelley. Two dear people who love the Lord and want to minister among these people. Okay I am a little sidetracked. So Dia did not feel comfortale with me walking alone but Nick´s neighbor the guy Jual Miguel Paz Maldonado I think was going to church pray for him he may have an upper respitory infection/cold. Anyway he was going on his motorbike. Dia said to go with him. It was awful me sitting sidesaddle and clining to his should and backpack. So I did not die and I made it to church. I met this sweet 15 year-old girl named Sofia. She has ovarian pain and came to the Lord just months before. I was able to talk to her and tell her about suffering. I met so many dear saints, Norabet and olderlady with a large family she was with her grandchildren I believe. Luis who is zelous for the Lord God saved him recently and is just joy-filled. I was able to serve there too and encourage them afterword with what verse are stored up within me. We went through a bible study on 1 John 1-part of two. We went through If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteouness. Also if we have love for our brother we are of God. And lastly do not love the world or the things of this world. I was able to talk afterwards a bit with Shelley she wished we could have spoken more. These are a dear congregation who love the Lord. They have Christ. Please pray for this congregation that the might hear the word of God spoken by the power of the Spirit that prayer true prayer be made in their midst, that they continue to seek God.

The word of God is a two edged sword able to pierce and divide. I was encouraging them and they were joyfully listening not to my words which are nothing, but I think I was speaking by the Spirit something to encourage them with.

Please pray for the wedding and for all the dear people I met here beloved by God. There is such a poverty of spirit here, such humility may God do a work.

By the way please pray for Juan that God continue to grow this young man.

I thank God always for you sister because you pray for me and care for me you are like a mom sometimes in your care and I so appreciate that when I lost my own. God bless you tonight in the fellowship I will be there in Spirit without the sleepiness.


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