Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Diary of a single Christian female 1/5/11

I had a wonderful conversation with a girl from my bible study. I have two sister yet since we have been adults we act differently around each other. Our personalities different. My older sister is the take charge, tough chick, yet is also soft, prone to hurt by callous words (of which I have been guilty of many times, she is self-sufficient, works hard, and tries hard to raise her son. Me I am the space cadet, tactless, annoying, passionate, and overbearing hopefuly God will work on the sinful attributes to my character. Then there is my little sister, she is the little wifey God has gifted her with the abilities neccesary to be a good wife and mother, she is sweet, funny, stubborn, annoying at times, and I love both my sisters very much. We complement each other and I am grateful for however much time I have on this earth that God gave them to me as sisters. I would talk about my brothers but I will just say they are handsome and sweet and one is tickling hahahaha.
Anyway I was talking about how God should be our primary affection and how all good gifts flow from Him. In reading chapter 7 from Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life I realized how God could gift us with material things in this life, beauty, power, and other things yet if this life is but a breath and we don't get the opportunity to spend eternity with Him, get to know Him, love Him what is the money, the travel the good looks worth if that is what you get and this life on earth is but a vapor.
What will it matter if in a hundred years the little insignificant things of this world are gone?
May God be my treasure. May I count it all as loss compared to the supassing joy of knowing Christ.
Also last night I watched someone flip through an album of a Christian couple and I avoided looking at it like the plague. I also fleed from where the romance novels were in the library. There is a temptation that distracts me from living how God call me to live. Yet I am held accountable. Praise God.

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