Sunday, January 16, 2011

Diary of a Single Christian Female 1/16/11

Why have I gotten myslef into this I start books and never finish them. Yet now I am doing a study on both singleness and marriage. Yes I have read I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Boy Meets Girl, and now I am reading When I Don't Desire God (upon the suggestion of a friend), This Momentary Marriage, Did I kiss Marriage Goodbye?, and will read Sacred Marriage. I guess I have always felt that my singleness was a stagnant unproductive period of waiting. What am I to do with femininity? Anyway I am readying myself either way. First and foremost in fearing and trying to make sure that I seek to love Jesus Christ who is one with the Father. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above so have I treated singleness as a gift? I can actually say finally sometimes I do. I am blessed in my alone time with God. Marriage is for sanctification, and to display Christ and his relationship with the church. As a single one displays Christ's work of salvation and regeneration. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the Glory of God. Hmmm I asked God the other day when is a woman ready for love? I love Hosea and how God allures her in the wilderness. All the names of the baals are taken away and instead of being call my Master God is called my husband . I read then Ezekial 16 thanks to some help, and that is where the question arose. In the new testament I read something about how husbands are to wash their wives in the water of the word. In Ezekial she grows unwashed and uncovered and he enters into a covenant with her. I love that. Ooops I have been sidetracked anyway I have learned this I am not stunted or waiting. God gave me this desire for a reason but I am not going to twiddle my thumbs until it comes. I am going to seek to love God more, to serve the church, and to do what Christ would have me to. I pray that I may be a light. To be a woman tranformed because I beheld the rock of my salvation, the wisdom of God. Praise be to the Lord.

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