Sunday, December 7, 2014

Puerto Rico Day 1-2 Activity and contemplation of God

It has been a blessing to come to Puerto Rico. I have seen my cousins and my aunt and her husband. They have all been so kind. Ate a lot of food. Yummy. It has been summer hot and that has been hard but I will appreciate the Minnesota cold.

My aunt asked me whether I have preached before. Open air yes. So far all that has been on me as a  calling is to encourage people, and to give th gospel. To have them look at Christ as their all in all. I went to a church today it is a small church but they really love Christ I hope to go to their prayer service on Wednesday. I have been listening to an album in spanish and as I sit here on this bed contemplating God and his ever present mercy upon me. Tears of thankfulness well up in my eyes and I am humbled in knowing that He in His kindness has led me here. I am single and not forgotten of God, instead he has led my steps. I find myself looking at the cross at Christ.Where I am sorrowed at my sin nailed to the cross, humbled at His kindness. And though I sin I bear it no more and seek repentance.  May I be pure in heart that I might see God.

And when I am alone give me Jesus..... you can have all this world give me Jesus.

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