Sunday, December 21, 2014

Looking at 31 but not in Proverbs

This life is yours God and in six days I will be 31. What do I say upon reflection but that I am so humbled that the Lord sought me in all my foolishness. That He has shown me how far I have come from my first love. Yet God in His mercy was like the beloved in Song of Solomon who went to her door in the middle of the night. Yet who am I that you should grant me grace. My time in Puerto Rico was a blessing and the reason why is because I read the word of the Living God, and sought Him in prayer, and word, and worship. James 4:8 NASB "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded." He has given me repentance for many things. And has been so kind to me. I would say more but these things are not meant to be shared for anyone other than God and maybe later to whom God has willed to be my spouse.

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