Friday, September 7, 2012


Do I have to? Maybe it is not so hard. Does the way a person's room is reflect the state of a person's heart. I dreamt last night that I wound up at a wedding of two of the cool kids at church. It was like a circus and I was in the midst trying to hide from everyone. I saw them looking very much like the world and I wanted to be free from them. I am not cool am told often I do too much. God help me, my need is you. You are the one who calms me. Who strengthens me. You are God. I realize I can't be in a sort of group that is shallow and more about hanging out than being the true Biblical church. Cleanse me, purge me with hissop and I shall be clean. May I be a reflection of You, because You have conformed me to Your image. I am not talking about any small group in particular but I just really want to grow and not be stagnant. If I wanted to get married I could settle and be with a marginal believer. Yet how long would it take before he gets annoyed when I share something the Lord showed me in His word. How long before the man feels neglected when I would rather be about the Lord's business? How long before he hates me praying that trials and tribulations come that our faith be refined. How long before he wants the beauty the world offers rather than the beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit that I long to have. God grant me victory over temptations. Wow I rambled a lot today....

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