Sunday, February 28, 2016


Do I love? I have an issue with that. I have problems letting people in. I like supporting others and sharing what I have. I just don't like bearing my heart. Frankly I, even more, don't talk to men about issues that would make me emotionally vulnerable to them. Right now though I feel the loss of it I don't think the dream deferred I had would in this life come to fruition. At times it makes me a little sad but I am not inconsolable. I will not be sorrowed for long because my joy comes not from circumstances it comes from God. He is there, he helps me, saved me, cleanses me from my sin, wants my best. I don't need my dreams, I need God.
He loves me not like man does with conditions, to be, dress, or act a certain way. I don't have to be a hipster, I don't have to be 20 something. I don't have to be Caucasian. I don't have to be skinny. As I draw closer to him I am more overjoyed, that a Holy and Righteous God would take someone like me. I am nothing but He is everything. On that day when I am clothed in the garments He provides all the trials, the mourning, the loss, will be shown to be slight. I am not a feminist who thinks that men aren't worth it. I think men of God and fathers are a blessing. I have a dad that God provided and I am blessed. Do I have Godly men in my life?......

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