Sunday, January 6, 2019

Don't wait

Ladies in Waiting it's a title of a book I bought in the beginning of my walk with the Lord. I have been single my whole life but when you are a child who cares. The premise of the book is about how do you change while you're waiting for a husband to come along. I realized something though we should not wait for Life to come around. And I don't mean that life begins when you get married. Neither do I mean that a man will fulfill you. We must as ramblin live lives that are wholeheartedly devoted and fully surrender to the Lord. I don't have blinders on when it comes to marriage. I have seen the toll that minor issues can make. Marriage is not about having perfect romantic moments. It's about basically being joined to another sinner and God using that to sanctify you. So the other day I met up with a Christian lady she is single as well. We were able to talk about some things. I have been finding it so great to be able to talk to other people about things that are going on. Things that I am convicted of. It's even better to get together to pray. In a way there are some things that marriage contains that one can want and desire. I love kids and yes there is a way in that you can have time with kids and you can work with kids and it's wonderful. I guess that is one thing that I wrestle with because of my age and my health problems and just that you can't really have kids without a husband in the Christian walk anyway. But as for living my life,  my life is His and I want only to wait upon Him. Maranatha come Lord Jesus.

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