Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A look at my life

I have been in really good conversations and am beginning to see how much people need the hope and the peace that comes with the salvation that comes from Jesus. Single and feeling lonely, no Christ is not a pill you take to feel all happy. What He does is share that there is hope, that He also felt anguish and pain, joy and love, and that our hope should not be set upon circumstances but instead to set out minds on the things above.
On Sunday I was convicted when a person mentioned bitterness as a sin. I have been bitter and at times its a wonder why lemon does not poor out from my pores. I was worse and God knows how many times I avoided children, couples be they courting or married. It is different now. I remember in the different weddings I went to I was so bad. Thank God I can finally go to weddings again, I remember one where I held a door closed while I.....
Lately I have been uncomfortable around guys. Letting people in is getting better but there are still some things where only me and God know.
This weekend I did open up about my frustration. I felt like a little kid unable to do something. I don't remember why though. My memory has been getting really bad.
My brother has been a help in all this because he cared enough to ask and gave me a hug when I need it. He is a real sweetie.
So I have a small group on Saturday and some Spanish speaking Christians I meet on Monday. On Monday we talked about the role of women. God knows that according to my rating system it is up there.
1) The Gospel
2) the nature of God, the bible
3) Relationships, Courtship, and marriage
4) What biblical manhood is
5) What the role of women is
So now you know.
On Saturday I met with my small group and really appreciated confession and prayer.
In the Christian walk what one has to look forward to is the growth. That we cultivate and stronger relationship with God. How one does that is through the means God has provided prayer, the Bible, and fellowship.
Look what they devoted themselves to in Acts.
Acts 2:42 NASB
They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
I realize more and more that though one cannot neglect personal time with God, neither can one neglect corporate fellowship. It is a fine balance. One thing that has stuck with me that has been on my mind to be careful of and is the last verse in 1 John.
1 John 5:21 NASB
Little children, guard yourselves from idols.
I cling to knowledge that He who began a good work in me will complete it.

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