Monday, September 21, 2015

In my happy place

I was not feeling well two days ago and wanted to curl up into a ball and hide away from the world. I wanted to imagine myself far away. I wonder if it's okay in God's eye to do that, to for a moment escape from my circumstances.
I have been thinking a lot about Christian Community, about life, and about the love of God toward a believer.
The church in Acts was not perfect as the letters Paul write can attest. It can though teach us some things. We are to have all things in common not meaning that we look the same, or have the same background but that in the end we are the body of Christ and what we have is not really our own. They prayed together, and broke bread together.
My life is pretty quiet. I go to work at times do an activity in the afternoon or evening then go home. I don't usually stay out past 10, unless I am on my way home. I don't like have to much idle time because I know the temptation to use that time for evil. It has taken much time and effort to gain contentment. I find that if I humble my self and bare my scars and sorrows to God, He can heal them.
I have been thinking about the love of God. It's different than man's idea of love. I don't have to look a certain way. I don't have to pretend to be different, instead I can joke, and can coo at babies, I can have the lopsided awful looking afro I wake up with and He would still find me lovely not because of me but because of Jesus Christ.
I woke up this morning with much to think about and if I did not know that God will get the glory I would still be in a fetal position on my bed. Thank God.

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