Saturday, November 12, 2011

Learning about worship

Psalm 29:1-2 NASB
Ascribe to the LORD, O sons of the mighty, Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in holy array.

Worship as I see is when in response to knowing God, knowing who we are (vessels of clay), knowing/abiding in the redemption of Christ, brings forth praise and thanksgiving to glorify God in our lives. What we do every day is worship from brushing our teeth to working to what we wear and this worship rests on Jesus.

In worship through singing, as I have learned about God, his divine nature and attributes, the more I tend to waver between music that is full of theology and yet/also songs that have a deep passion for Christ. This means Come Thou Fount, could be back to back with Triune Praise by Shai Linne, and Your Great Name by Natalie Grant. All these songs worship God in different music styles. Come Though Fount is a classical Hymn, Triune Praise is Hip Hop, and Your Great name Contemporary Christian.

Yet one thing that I know is wrong in music, as a Christian to take music that lifts up sin and yet love it. This means TV and books as well. It is worldliness and one as a believer cannot have the fallenness of the outside world to pervade our hearts and minds. It leads to a hardening of the heart when it comes to sin. Yet I digress.

True worship starts with a heart in communion with Christ - this means a person in prayer and in the word. This means also preaching the Gospel to oneself. We are the redeemed, washed clean in the blood of Jesus, sealed by the Holy Spirit into adoption, and this knowledge results in praise and thankfulness to a God is holy, and just, and good in all His ways. That He would be just and the justifier of people who deserve His wrath and anger. So we as people born-again to a living hope live our lives thankful we could change a dirty diaper, serve our brothers and sisters in needs, and love one another.

May I have a heart of true worship.

1 comment:

Miss said...

I agree with you.

I can't tell you how many times I have read a blog and I think, is this blog really a Christian blog?

It's not only to what is being written but just the mindsets of some peope.