Sunday, April 3, 2011

Diary of a Christian female 4/3/11

How great is Jesus that He changes lawbreakers to the image of His Son? Sons and daughters of the Most High, who He is, is too wonderful too Holy for me to understand. In love because He has love me so I seek a life that is centered on Christ. Living in repentance and faith daily and looking at the Cross where Jesus paid my penalty. I am a woman a bossy, proud, loud woman who needs the work of the Holy Spirit to make me into a quiet, and gentle and submissive woman, who fears the Lord and long to look upon Him for the satisfaction of my soul. There are days when idols and fears prop up and I my thoughts sin against God but I am fighting that when my thoughts turn to pride or fear or coveting that I may trust in God and if He is to be trusted to take the penalty or my evil how shall I not trust Him to sustain me, to love me, to change me into so much more than my sinful flesh could be. May these reflections bring glory to Jesus Christ for so great a salvation that reveals His Wisdom and His Power.

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