Saturday, October 10, 2009

Your Grace

I am 25 and feel acutely that my days are numbered according to the will of a good and merciful God. He brings my sins before me and puts in me a sorrow that leads unto repentance. He has provided for me in a way my earthly father could never do. God is my Father, my Redeemer, my provider. I see now that all my steps are ordained my Him. My sins are my own and have been laid upon His Son. He was punished in my stead. I don't know how much time He has for me yet I am blessed with each moment He gives me with my family and most of all the moments when it is just me and God. Me putting all my needs and all my worries and my sins before Him, and even though what I bring before Him is not worthy He listens because of the mediation of His Son. I pray for salvation, I pray that He keeps those in Him secure and the He be glorified.

God, thank you.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That's lovely, Levita. Praise God!