Thursday, October 29, 2009

What is Romantic Love?

I always ask people their thoughts and one time got to the point when I wanted to get many different opinion on tape over this subject. I've notice their is a big distinctionn between what biblical born-again saved believers and those who live life according to their wants and desires. Love romantic love is not stirred up without purpose. It is not created through sexual contact. The love between a man and woman is one where one knows that they no longer belong to a specific family but to a spouse. The long to please the other not for the selfish want of the adrenaline focused infatuation but due to a want to be with the spouse to help them encourage them in their Christian walk. The man ready to lay down his life for his bride. The wife under the authority of her husband. Love is so much more that the idea set forth by Valentine's day.

What sweet devotion my love has.

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