Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Thoughts 12/26/18

I thank God for each year He has granted me knowing that each moment that He provides for me is possible for the bearing of fruit for His purposes. I am thankful for the different things He has taught me this year. Mostly its better to love than to remain safe. Its better to be myself around others than be what I think they want me to be... I have had a year of quiet sorrow, some anger, periods where sin was revealed to me and so much change.
I feel different isn't that weird I think allowing people in has truly filled my heart. I have a desperate need for the Lord to do a work in my heart and fears. I still need to do more to learn truly love my brothers may God change that in me. In the meanwhile God has really shown me His mercy and His grace and shown me that, His word, the scripture that He has provided, show His character, His Holiness, His grace, His love which is higher than ours, His justice, secondly the precious promises He has bought by redeeming us from the bondage of sin and death, and blessed us with every spiritual blessing. He has also provided us with the local church to encourage one another to greater growth and knowledge of the Lord. Lastly He has taught me that He listens to my prayers and helps those who cry out to Him. This poor man cried and the Lord heard and delivered him out of all of His distresses.
I pray that the Lord will bless this year, to my friends and family. That we will behold Him and seek His face. That we will bless one another not temporally but eternally through prayer and supplication in thanksgiving, that we will encourage and exhort one another.
I thank God knowing that in the end I must rest in Him. That His character means that His purposes and promises shall come to pass.
To God be the Glory.

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