Thursday, January 24, 2013

Meeting with the Living God/My Prayer

God the reason why we exist and have our being. I have a church the exults in the Word, that talk about God in a high manner and that sees Him as a mighty God, a majestic God. There is one thing that is missing. Do not get me wrong I love where I am. God seeks worshippers in Spirit and in Truth. One can meet with the Living God. Meeting with God can fill with fear with terror knowing that this is a God who can speak out of a whirlwind and that is not the magnitude of His Power. He can fill a believer with a sense of profound safety that no one can pluck me from His hands. He is the Living Resurrected Christ. True communion with Christ. If we seek solely salvation we are missing the point. Since Christ by His blood tore open a way to the Holy place to bring our petitions before the Father. What should we ask for? First and foremost should be the hallowing of God's name. Yes we ask for our daily bread. I learned this weekend about the beauty of Holiness. Paul in his prayer asks that we be filled with all the fullness of God. A lot of people see me as radical, as a fanatic. I have learned by many tears and distress that shallow Christianity grieves the Holy Spirit. Through the Word of God I met with Him me being away from Minnesota. The Lord is near to those who seek Him. Will not God reward those who more than anything want Christ! What is maturity but a beautiful humility, a poverty of Spirit that know all we have is Christ. There are people whose heroes are men of God who pant after God, men like Spurgeon, like John Owen, like John MacArthur, like Paul Washer, like John Piper. What are you willing to do to live the reality of meeting with the Living God? Are you willing to throw out your ungodly music, are you willing to close the door on things that do not profit. I am speaking to myself about these things. I will seek to behold my God.
Song of Solomon 8:5 NASB
"Who is this coming up from the wilderness Leaning on her beloved?" "Beneath the apple tree I awakened you; There your mother was in labor with you, There she was in labor and gave you birth.
This is what I want said of me, there she is leaning on her beloved.

1 comment:

Tina said...

I awake and Im still with You, my Beloved, my Dear One. O draw me after You and we will run together.