Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Alto y bajo

Yesterday was a high and low. We went out witnessing. I love proclaiming Christ crucified, the full Gospel, our sinfulness, His righteousness, the judgement, the sentence taken by the Son of the judge himself, his perfect life, his nature fully God fully man, on the cross bearing our condemnation, his death, and ressurection. That for those who turned from their sin and trust solely on Christ and His work they shall be saved. This faith perseveres to the end. I love telling people the Gospel because it is the power of God. God graciously provided opportunities to do that yesterday.
Afterwards I was blessed with a ride home, but I had to hear about it... All I have to say its about a portion of Ephesians 5. I kept saying in my head why do I have to hear it and two words, until I got home then I cried where no one could hear or see except God.

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