Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I have only gotten the chance recently to speak my mind on something that has been on my mind. I have been going out and God has been working within me. I realize something people, when God does a good work through me have mentioned what was done in front of people. I do not live before Jesus so I can get at-a-girls from people. Praise be to Jesus that He would look upon a woman like me. I am nothing yet Christ renews me, and has put a right spirit within me. Jesus has given me so much. I wish people would see the Jesus I know. The lion the lamb, the living water, the bread of life, the way, the truth, the life, and light of man. He is the Word and the Word was with God an the Word was God. Jesus is the true freedom, the solid rock. He is the wisdom and power of God. Look to HIM!!!!

1 comment:

Miss said...

I'm sure people get to see the Jesus that you know, when they see you doing things that you know that Jesus would do.