Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Battle for Holiness

It is so early but I felt the need to write. In the Christian life there is a fight to put to death the old man (our previous sins that ensnare us) along with its desires. The battle we wage is using Spiritual means though bodily disciple does help as well. My besetting sin the one that I struggled for many years is written porn. Right bow its not even a desire but with apps like Kindle it brings up what I in the past would have been like yes I have to read that to know what happens next in the series. Yet talking about it is that light of day after reading my bible I see where the battle is waged. It is in bible reading, its in prayers, its in serting my mind in the things above. We battle with sin each day whether its cussing, coarse jesting, lying, sexual sin, anger, worry, unforgiveness, covering, and more. We have to put to death the deeds of the flesh. Kill that old man sin, and live by the Spirit. 

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