When one holds fast to God it is easy to see that marriage is not to be all and all. I love marriage and the picture that it is supposed to be. I had asked for it from time to time before I got married wanting it so much that it had been an idol. I sinned grievously against the Lord during that time. My husband was different our relationship began with us talking about the Lord. I was scared in the first days of us knowing one another. Could he see how broken I had become because of my own sin. I had sought intimacy as a substitute for marriage in the past. Even though I was still struggling God had mercy on me. I was finally praying for what I longed for in my heart. Our marriage is not perfect I show so much selfishness at times. Hubby has at times his own sin struggles. We show patience and grace to one another. We push ourselves to love more, bear with one another more. We pray together, read the word together and seperately. We want the Lord to work in our lives. We have been taught by God to be this way towards one another. This has brought about an almost extended honeymoon stage not because we are perfect but because God has taught us to love.
If Christ is the foundation of a union He must continue to be.
Abba, you have been a Father to the fatherless. You have kept me from so much harm. Thank You for Your steadfast love and mercy. I ask that You will conform us more to Your image. That Your word work in our hearts and lives. May our marriage reflect the relationship between Christ and His bride the Church. You know our desires Lord please bring them about Lord.You are the Living God and I praise Your Holy Name. In the Name of Jesus, Amén.