Algo me llama
De dos lados
El mundo y Cristo
Alguien me llama a ser esclava de toda manera de vicio
Uno mas poderoso me dice muera ama a mi mas que todas cosas
Sigueme persigueme a mi
Dios tu deseas santidad adentro y afuera
What has been happening in God's mercy to be a woman who seeks the Lord above all things.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Para ir
Slaves and sons
I am no longer a slave to sin. If I have live with Christ I shall die with him. I have suffered the loss of all things that I might gain Christ Jesus. It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. Do you not know that we have died to sin and live to righteousness. Only sons remain in the house slaves do not.
God has given me such a blessing in reading His word. His word the lamp the two edged sword piercing to the division of bone and marrow, that is profitable for teaching for reproof for correction for training in righteousness that the man of God may be equipped for every good work.
I am sitting in a room heater going full blast and I am still cold. I am thinking about my life I am thinking about the mercy and faithfulness could it be that He is granting me victory. I will trust in God. Jesus Christ my Lord and God, thank you for salvation. For giving me life and breath and hope. Strengthen my faith do with me as you will send me where you will. For your great name.
The reality of life to me
My hands have been kept busy I am not to eat the bread of idleness what I have found if my mind is set on good things it gives less time for temptation to be given free reign. God has been merciful in providing needs. It is better at work. Yet I always feel there is not enough time. God has me complete whatever He wants may He strengthen my faith.