I have been blessed with the opportunity for two conversations. One was about a passion for the Lord, talking to a seminary student about having deep abiding affection for the God whom he serves. I asked about prayer and not allowing the word of God, the bible, to become solely a textbook, but that it may fuel his knowledge and praise of God. Then today I talked about the fear of God with God providing much scripture. God is so good. It is well with my soul.
What has been happening in God's mercy to be a woman who seeks the Lord above all things.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
I need Christ yesterday I was battling against memories of my former sin. I felt alone and yet I know God was there. I rejoice in my time with God. Yesterday I saw a lack of reverence a lightness that sickened me. I was then bumbarded with my previous sins and was tempted to look at porn. Oh Lord I hated those thoughts and by the grace of God fled temptation. I cried out to God and He helped me. He gave me victory. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
A bridesmaid
Maybe what John said plays a lot into yesterday. I was a brdesmaid yesterday and I rejoiced knowing my friend was marrying t man she loved it was about the bride and the groom had we the friends and family were invited to rejoice with them. There was worship and I love to worship the complaints I had made during rehearsal did not cross my lips during the event. It is about Christ about repentance and faith on Him. I rejoiced, I laughed, I did not cry. At the end of the evening I was drained. I pray the God will guard you and keep you. Reflect Christ and the church thoughout your marriage. May it not be about you guys but about God. Bless you guys Matthew and Olabisi Sheppard.
Friday, May 4, 2012
What I need
I have tried to keep people out. To not have them see my utter brokenness, my sin which clings close. What do I ask God when I pray? Do I pray for temporal things or eternal things?