Saturday, October 29, 2011

Good News

God is mighty and gracious and reveals Himself through moments in our lives. I am reminded time and time again the One True God is not a God who is far away but who lives and works among us. Today my church had an event called the Good News Festival and Clinic. Click on link for more details. God has given me the opportunity to serve at all three events. I am not wise, am not smart, I am just a woman and my deepest desire is that Christ to be made known. These past few days I have been plagued with thoughts, yet God has been gracious to work in me. I was paired off with three women all of whom left before the gospel presentation. I want them to know the Jesus of the bible. The Jesus who was born without sin, God in the flesh, giving new life to the walking dead, healing, then one the cross took the punishment we deserve in 3 hours Christ suffered more than any sinner ever would in Hell. He died, for the punishment of our sin is death yet resurrected after 3 days. Our God lives and sits in the majesty on high and the right hand of the Father. To Him belongs all power and glory and dominion. Amen.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Not Forsaken

I do not know what is wrong with me. Why am I struggling today? Being single is better than having an ungodly spouse. Singleness is better that not having a husband that prays for you, that washes you in the water of the word, that will encourage and draw me to Christ. The Christian life is not for the faint of heart. I will wait by the grace and power of God for the Godly man he has in store for me. I will not go after vanity. I will not love a man more than God. Neither will I try to manipulate my way into a man's affections. God I trust you to fulfill marriage in your own timing. I do not know who I do not know what. I just know it is someone who loves God, who wants to live out his life for the glory of Christ. May God grant him a love for the lost. May God make him into a servant leader. May he know the bible, love the brothers, trust in God, Thats all.

Friday, October 21, 2011

To Be a Wife

I have read books like True Woman, Feminine Appeal, Let Me Be a Woman, and all that is within me wants to be a Christian who glorifies God in being a woman. I have learned what it is to be a wife by serving and hopefully encouraging and supporting my brothers in Christ. I have learned to take care of children who have been a blessing to me. Christ changes the hearts of men and women. Back to the roles He has layed out in creation.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Protect me

I am known for being very independent to the point of carrying a thirty pound bag and hurting my hands. In the bible it says women are weaker bodily but equal heirs in Christ. I am so glad for the brothers in my life, I do not submit to them they are neither my father nor husband as I am single at this time. Yet they are protective and keep an eye out for me. I like their counsel. I just wish at times they would reprove or rebuke me if need be. I am seen often as strong and capable truth is the Lord is my strength. May I serve the Lord.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Proverbs 31

I have read the book Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye. I have learned much from it. A woman must be what God want a woman to be before marriage. She does good not harm. She is not idle and works with her hands. She knows how to feed her family. She is charitable, strong... I want to be that kind of woman. I fear the Lord and trust in him. I have gone to the doctor after years of avoiding it. God has been connecting me to people allowing me the opportunities to encourage the body. Witnessing opportunities have been great. God is so good. Today I am running late I have to run. Work is starting.

Monday, October 10, 2011

To Know

Well I asked a godly older man if I were ready to be a wife. Maybe I should have waited to ask the question. God has blessed me with more mature believers whom I can voice my concerns. I need Christ to guide me. I know He is working in my life. I do not know how yet I see it as time progresses but I find fear of some men growing in me. Not about what they think of me but want them to stay at a distance and not let them in. I do not know if that is a bad thing or not. Am I wanting to guard my heart and mind at the expense of fellowship. Things that are happening I do not understand but may God give me the trust in Him and the grace to honor Him in the situations to ensue.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Writing to God

Sometimes I wonder how is God working what is He doing in this situation. God brought me to this place for a reason. God brought me to a specific group for a reason. By God's grace I will not try to write down what I wish would happen and keep it hidden. My God sustains me. My God looks upon me and makes me lovely in His eyes. It makes me weep in bittersweet joy. You love me God, You see me. You will conform me to the image of Your Son by setting my mind on You. Christ I thank You for tenderly guiding me.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Grace for tomorrow

There was so much I had wanted to write yesterday. I had just seen Courageous and after a week of struggle and turmoil within I have woken up this Saturday well past the time I was supposed to to be able to take a Zumba class at my work that I had said I would be at. Yet I woke up with such a peace. I used to have such a desire to pray for the men that I know at church and Christian men in general that God would mold them into True Men who seek the Lord above all else who will dedicate themselves to being men who reflect Christ in their action and in the way they live their lives be they single or married. Yet God has convicted me of not caring for my brothers in fact tearing them down instead of encouraging them. My own bitterness, my sin against God and then against my brothers, God has put my eyes on Himself and has me seeing his all sufficient grace in all circumstances. I will trust in God.