Friday, September 25, 2009


There is a sense that a part of my life will be over on the 30th of September. I will be starting on the 1st of October to be home full time taking care of my mom. I fear what the future holds but take confidence that what happens will be according to God's will. May my life be lived for God. My life, this life may it be an offering to the God who gave me new life. I know my sin is ever before me and yet he has dressed me.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Time

In Ecclisiastes it says that there is a time for everything. Yet can I be afraid of sorrow to come. Grieve for the grief to come. Worry about family, that they might have strength for what may come. Life is not easy yet God, Jesus Christ is our comforter. My life shines and wanes according to what God ordains. There are times I shines and I radiate youth and vibrancy. There are times I look old, weak, weary by this world. I long to be with Christ yet I know my life is meant for more. To love God to love others, to become a servant and not a leader, that is God has planned for me. I see hazily who God wants me to be and lately I have suffered a fall and I wonder how can God still hold me up. He never takes his hand off of me. Reminds me of His grace of His holiness.
Time like these I wish I had biblical leadership someone on whom I can depend on. I forget that it is God on whom we rely but I guess its more than that.
I'm scared yet God will provide.